The Luxxe Presidential Villa--El Presidente, or La Punta (the Point)--is truly the ultimate in size, luxury, and exclusivity. It is available as a one-, two-, or three-bedroom suite and is only at the Nuevo Vallarta site.There is only one Presidential and no more will be built. For a comparison of the layouts of the Presidential and the Grand Luxxe Villas, go here. To see the views available from the Presidential, see the group of photos on the right.
The Presidential occupies a site closest to the ocean of any of the Nuevo Vallarta buildings. On one side, rooms face Puerto Vallarta and have a perfect view of the river and bird sanctuary. The other side gives you a view of the entire Vida complex at Nuevo Vallarta.
Try the Presidential if you want a high level of luxury and you have a large group. There are only fourteen 3-bedroom units in the Presidential. They are available for rental only from high-end owners such as ourselves and are extremely difficult to obtain--ask 13-months in advance.
As an indication of the buildings exclusivity, note that the top two floors are reserved for the president of the Vida Vidanta company, Senior David Chaves.